Student, Writer, Actor, Singer
Ryan Pulaski
A rising Junior at Liberty University pursuing dual degrees.
- B.A. in English
- B.M. in Commercial Music: Songwriting
- Minors in Creative Writing & Theater.
Finding Hope Through Song….
Ryan is currently a rising Junior at Liberty University. Ryan has an intense interest in writing, music and theater and hopes to one day be an accomplished English professor, playwright and performer.
Ryan consistently holds distinguished honors designation while maintaing an average of 18-20 credit hours per semester. In addition to his studies, Ryan has been selected to collaborate on a new play writen for publication by Liberty’s theater program.
Ryan is a member of the Phi Ega Sigma National Honor Society.
While his interests are time-consuming, Ryan is a passionate student with a great love of history and languages. He has participated in Model United Nations, Latin, English, Rho Kappa and Music Honor Societies, International Thespian Society and other school-related and community activities.
Ryan has had the opportunity to perform in amazing venues as a member of the Keystone State Boychoir and with several auditioned ensembles. These amazing opportunities to perform across the US, including at the White House, in London, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, and off-Broadway with the fabulous Norm Lewis and Forrest McClendon.
Ryan is an avid writer and tends to occupy, what free time he has, he is often lost in his writing & musical endeavors.
This site and all Ryan’s music and performances are created in a humble effort to honor and remember his sister, Sarah Pulaski, who lost her battle to leukemia when she was only 11 and Ryan was 9.
“Sarah was the strongest, most beautiful person I have ever known and I miss her every day. Her life lesson to me was to make Your Heart Smile.”
“I will forever Love and Miss Sarah……”