Hope a collection dedicated to the loving memory of Ryan’s sister, Sarah Elizabeth Pulaski who lost her battle with pediatric leukemia when she was only 11 years. old.
At age 9, when all of Ryan’s friends were dealing with the normal issues of growing into young men. Ryan would be thrust into a reality in his life that few young boys could ever be prepared for. Ryan needed to say goodbye to his sister as she passed from leukemia. Ryan and Sarah were both raised with a very strong Christian faith and it is Ryan’s faith that has helped him to manage each day without his sister as he has attempted to mature into a young man.
When Ryan was in 5th grade, at the recommendation of his elementary school music teacher, he and a friend would attend a boychoir festival with the Keystone State Boychoir. It was this organization where Ryan’s love of music would begin to be developed and Ryan would be introduced to the amazing organization and group of kids that would in some ways become Ryan’s family.
In 2015, after being with the boychoir for a little over 2 years, we decided to take Ryan into a recording studio and capture his “unchanged” voice or his “treble” voice before his voice change. These recordings were meant to always serve as a reminder to us how the power of song played a huge role in helping Ryan to deal with growing older without his sister and also a way to honor Sarah and to show that it is possible to move forward after such devastating life events.
The CD would be titled Hope and is our message to other children who may be suffering today, while a sibling may have passed or is currently in treatment. It is our hope that you can use Ryan’s journey and his strength to help you to realize that you can, and you must, hold on to your memories and that you can make it and continue to move forward.

Oh Lord God
Ave Maria
In Dreams
Little Drummer Boy
Evening Prayer